Hi, My name is Bobby…

And just 90 seconds from now I’m going to let you in on the secret psychology of “female obsession” …

It’s Something That Triggers Her Instinct to Chase You…
And Turns Her Into Your Girlfriend
with One Simple Move…

Let me ask you...

Did you ever watch a cat play with a piece of string?

It may sound like a silly question…

But, it contains the key to unlocking a “secret” female desire…

And the key to becoming the guy that women put on a pedestal and chase for sex and relationships

When the string’s dangling above her head, just out of reach, the cat goes crazy trying to get it.

It leaps in the air, it dances around and it chases that little piece of string all over the room.

But as soon as you let go of the string and it drops right between the cat’s paws, a weird thing happens.

The cat just looks at it for a few seconds, gets bored, and walks away.

Girls are the same exact way.

The easier you are to catch, the more bored and less interested she become…

You see, it goes against her nature.

She wants to chase you.

She wants the Dancing String..

So, right now I want to share with you…

The Secret to Transforming into the String that
Girls Can’t Help Chasing

Hi, I’m Bobby Rio, and I want to show you something that triggers a girl’s instinct to chase you…

And a technique I discovered, that's like a time machine, that rewinds things right back to the beginning with her.

Transforms you into the most important man in her life, the man she's suddenly obsessed with winning over...

And how even if you think your situation is "hopeless"...

This simple technique, I call "The Scrambler"...

Gives you a "Second Chance" to Have her
Chasing You (instead of the other way around)

…And best of all, it's completely “under-her-radar”, making it impossible for her to reject you.

And why this secret is even more powerful if you're “older” than her or not like the guy she normally goes for.

I can tell you, after coaching guys in their 40s, 50s and 60s, that younger women absolutely chase "older men" and it has nothing to do with money like most guys think.

There's a psychology behind it that I'll explain in a second…

The Big Question About Female Desire

See, I’ve been coaching dating and attraction advice for over 14 years now...

And one of the big questions I get from guys is:

How do I make a woman really WANT ME…

How do I get her to fall in love and chase me…

A lot of times, it's:

What's ironic is, a lot of times, we can get the women that we're not really into…

But the ones we really like, why don’t they fall for us?

The answer has to do with ONE THING every girl secretly craves…

And is the ONE THING that can change her mind...

And make all her doubts about you disappear…

Yet, not one in a thousand guys even knows it exists..

And those that do, almost never share with anyone else...

So, what’s the ONE THING?

Okay, ready?

And you might want to write it down because. It's the core secret of “The Scrambler”...

Here it is:

A girl doesn't fall in love when she's with you...

She falls in love when she's alone, thinking about you...

If you can get a girl thinking about you when you're not around, you can make her fall in love with you…

And do it in a way that's so stealth, so under the radar, that no girl could ever know what you're doing…

Which makes her absolutely powerless to stop it…

It doesn’t matter if:

  • She barely notices you right now
  • Ignores your texts
  • Has told she she just wants to be friends

If you can get a girl thinking about you when you're not around, you can make her fall in love with you.

Write it down… Tape it to your fridge if you have to…

Because if you really get this, it's like having a key that unlocks any door…

And I'll prove it to you in just a second….

But first, you might be wondering…

How Do You Get a Woman Thinking About You Nonstop?

See, the first step to making her think about you nonstop...

Is getting her attention...

WITHOUT revealing exactly what you want…

Listen, I know…

When you have strong feelings for her naturally, you want her to let her know, right?

Of course you do.

And that's fine if you're okay with her having all the power in the relationship...

And ultimately leaving you for a more dominant man…

See, the minute you lay all your cards on the table, you become what a woman refers to as a “sure thing”...

And one thing I can tell you about women is: No woman wants a SURE THING

The smart move is to MAKE HER WORK to be in a relationship with you…

See, there's certain things a woman expects to happen when she's falling in love.

And I designed every step to recreate this feeling in her.

Does this Mean I have to be a Jerk or Pretend to be Someone I’m not?

No, that’s another myth I’ll dispel in a minute…

Now, this isn't learning how to play a game.

It's About Understanding "Human Nature" and Tapping into a Woman's Real “Romantic Fantasy”

For instance, a woman will always want what she can't have.

It's not about hiding your feelings forever or turning into an uncaring jerk…

It's to use something we call “Romantic Tension”...

To give her the feeling that she's slowly winning you over every step of the way...

So that she's chasing you instead of the other way around.

And here's why that's so critical.

The Secret Psychology of Female Obsession

It's nearly impossible for a woman to feel like she's in love...

If she doesn't feel like she's earning that love.

Which is the real reason that confessing your feelings too soon backfires and scares her away…

So every part of this system has her working to win you over and loving every minute of it.

And it's all under the radar and completely bypasses her instinct to reject you.

Innocent phrases that Bait a Girl into Chasing You...

We even found there were “innocent phrases” that bait a girl into chasing you...

And you can even slip them into everyday conversations…

Even drop them into the text you send or stories you post to keep her thinking about you nonstop.

And these work no matter how attractive a girl is or how many other guys are after her…

For instance, next time you’re talking to a girl, refer to her as the F-word:

Not, the 4-letter F-word you might be thinking of, the word I’m talking about is FRIEND…

Casually say: “Let’s be friends”

And watch how quickly her flirty and feminine side comes out.

Or when you are talking to her, respond to something she says by saying:

"you're such a girl".

She'll almost always respond with "what?”.

At this point just smirk and then turn your head away from her…

Why This Works…

See, what Rob and I discovered were there were certain things you can do that trigger her womanly instinct to compete...

And it becomes a challenge for her to seduce you.

It's all part of her fantasy about earning a man's love...

So her subconscious mind starts telling her, "I must really like this guy."

Here's another tip…

When you're with a woman, lean your body back as you talk to her.

She'll automatically begin leaning into you.

It's a reflex.

She can't help it, but it subconsciously makes her see you as “the prize”.

You see, the technical reason that a lot of these techniques work is because of one psychological principle.

Women Have a Tendency to Backward Rationalize Their Behavior...

So the more effort a woman puts into a relationship...

The more she convinces herself, he must be worth it.

Her brain tells her, you wouldn't be thinking about him so much if you didn't like him.

And if you’re older than her, or not her normal type..

It’s even more powerful because she chalks it up to some mysterious chemistry she feels with you…

In fact, here's what Michael, who wrote to me shortly after learning the technique, said…

When I heard about this, I thought it was a load of crap...

A 53 year old guy like me getting girls chasing him, without being rich, yeah right.

But, my 26 year old co-worker, I’ve had a crush on for months...

Just spent the night with me after I used some stuff I learned in your video...

and now she’s blowing up my phone with texts… yea, I'm a believer.

The Exact Order to Use These Moves...

Now, if you use one or two of these techniques on their own...

You'll notice a shift in her behavior.

She might start getting closer. She might start rubbing your thigh or touching you more.

But we found the real power comes when you do this unique set of moves in a very specific order...

That causes her to lose control and compels her to chase you into the bedroom.

I'm going to tell you the exact moves in a second…

Why It’s called: "The Scrambler"

We call it “The Scrambler” because it's like an amusement park ride that scrambles her head in the way she craves...

And crowds out every other guy in her life...

Until you're the man she thinks about all day long...

These are the same elements that fill up romance novels women read...

And it's what women are practically programmed to chase…

When you start using this secret, she treats you like you're the only man in the room.

Her attention is like a laser beam focused on making you hers…

It starts as a little tug, but pretty soon it's pulling her towards you.

And even if she doesn't know why..

She can't stop it from happening…

It Even Works on Girls You Think Are Out of Your League...

Like Lisa…. She was a younger coworker, our client Steve, had a secret crush on for years..

But she considered him ‘just a friend.’

So Steve started using a few of the techniques when he'd see her at work...

And after just a few days, Lisa's whispering in his ear how they need to hang out one night this week.

Right before he finally kissed her, she said:

“I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something different about you.”

So we started sharing it with even more guys.

And each time we did…

We Were Stunned At How Powerfully it Worked...

Like Bradley, who used it to reconnect with his old high school crush.

And how after three dates, a girl he thought he'd never get to see naked was suddenly his sweet, supportive girlfriend.

And we knew right then just how powerful it was and how many relationships could be saved.

Because “The Scrambler” is like a time machine that rewinds things right back to the beginning with her.

So you have a second chance to get things right.

That's been the experience of the 12 guys we invited to a private closed door seminar we held at Rob's house in Scottsdale…

Like Tom, who's 56 and wrote to say:

I came to the seminar because there was a younger woman who worked in the same urgery center as me.

Now, after my wife left me, my confidence was crushed.

So I had serious doubts this would work, especially with the giant age difference.

But since it's all under the radar, I felt I had nothing to lose.

Wow. It was like something ignited in her eyes and she just had to have me…

And for the past three months, I've been sleeping with a smoking hot 23 year old.

We watched as it worked on:

... the real-life success stories we've heard back are nothing short of astonishing.

Guys who thought their situation was "different" and couldn’t be turned around, now had the girl chasing and pursuing them.

And because the results exceeded our wildest expectations

We are opening up the Unlock the Scrambler System to a few more guys today, and giving you our complete, step-by-step playbook...

Its called:

Unlock the Scrambler: Ignite the Chase to Make Her Yours…

It’s the only system designed to reverse any mistakes you may have made with a woman…

Allowing her to see you in a new more attractive light, and transform her interest into a full blown obsession with becoming your girlfriend...

When you want to ignite the interest and attraction of a woman, or re-engage a girl who got away... just follow the formula, step-by-step...

Just sit back and watch as “The Scrambler” changes everything:

This program is dramatically different from anything you may have tried before because it's customizable for your exact situation no matter how unique it is.

Every step of the Scrambler feels natural and under-her-radar...

Every step of the Scrambler is designed in an under-the-radar, that doesn’t require using corny lines..

So you can use it on a girl in your life, without worrying about rejection or embarrassment.

And we distilled it down to something that was not only cookie-cutter, simple to follow…

But also, a formula that would work just as good for 25 years old’s as 59 years old’s…

That's why I know this will work for you even if you feel like you have tried everything before.

Here are just a few of the secrets you're about to discover:

The Mistake Eraser Sequence:

This first sequence you’ll use regains the "upper hand" with a girl, especially if she's put you in the friend zone, or no longer sees you in an attractive way.

When you use this it’s almost like you wipe the slate clean and you get a second chance at making a first impression.

Just watch as she begins noticing all the attractive elements about you that she previously ignored. Once to do this, you can move into…

The Re-Engagement Sequence:

This is a word-for-word text message sequence to re-ignite things with a girl who’s gone cold or slipped away.

The 9-word-text is based on the Zeigarnik effect and is designed to crawl inside her head and get her obsessed with seeing you again.

This innocent text sequence rebalances the power dynamic between you and her…

And gets her to meet up with you, in a way that feels like HER IDEA…

The "Golden Triangle":

Now part of a woman falling for you is giving her the impression that you understand her more than any other guy…

But you can’t do it by flattery or nodding your head at everything she says.

It requires complimenting her on three very specific things we call the Golden Triangle.

And the minute you give her these three compliments

She’ll feel such a deep emotional connection she literally becomes addicted to being around you.

It’s shocking how quickly the words "I love you" slip out of her mouth…

How she suddenly clears everything from her calendar to be with you.

The "Future Projection" Trigger:

These get her imagining a future, with you and her doing things together, like hiking, going to garage sales, concerts, dinners, picnics, meeting her parents, and yes, cuddling cozy and naked in bed.

Because a woman will sleep with you almost every time, if and only if…

You can make her IMAGINE sleeping with you first.

It has to happen in her HEAD before it happens in her BED…

You’ll know it’s working when she makes a comment about the two of you should take a vacation to Mexico together or some other exotic location.

Attention Triggers:

And then how to use the secret psychology behind pictures like THIS…

To ignite jealousy and intrigue in a girl, so that she becomes consumed with thinking about you…

It’s part of a series of moves designed to make her sit up at night wondering where you are, who you’re with…

And why you’re not cuddled in bed with her, where you belong…

And how you’ll be shocked how fast it has her typing a message into her phone getting you to meetup.

The Secret Chemistry Switch:

Did you know that "chemistry" isn’t really some mystical thing?

And you can create it, on demand with any woman?

This is because women feel chemistry with a man when he brings out her feminine side around him...

In fact, the more "girly" she finds herself acting around you, the more she chemistry she feels.

We’ll show you how to “switch on” her feminine side, and compels her to seduce you.

The LUST Trigger:

You’ll discover a series of 'moves' that spark strong sexual attraction...

So you can sleep with her, and solidify her feelings for you…

And creates a burning desire in her to take things to an even more intimate level…

You’ll get a handbook of word-for-word techniques and secret moves…

Plus, you’ll discover:

Here's what else you'll love...

It allows you to put the game on autopilot.

No more worrying if you're showing too much interest, if you're not being persistent enough, if she's slipping away or just playing hard to get.

You'll never have to worry if you're texting too much or you're texting too little, if you should compliment her or when you should reveal your feelings.

Just sit back and let the Scrambler do the work

Will This Work For Me?

You might be skeptical or think your situation is different…

Or that it will only work if you’re already her “type”...

Some guys believe they’re too short or bald or broke for this to work…

But one thing I can say with certainty is: none of that matters when she finds herself thinking about you non-stop…

In fact, it becomes part of your unexplainable charm

She’ll tell her friends how she feels a “mysterious chemistry” she can’t explain…

Here's just one of the dozens of emails I got:

I’m 56 years old. I used The Scrambler on a 31-year-old Latina I met through a Salsa class. Well, last night she spent the night and now she wants to spend the entire weekend with me. I hope my endurance can handle it.

Every Moment You Wait… You Risk Her Slipping Away for Good

So, what do you think is a fair price for those guaranteed results?

The $5000 we charge our Inner Circle clients…

The $1500 guys paid to attend the private seminar…

The $500 guys pay for an hour of coaching over the phone?

Well, we decided to price the entire system at just $497…

But today, you won’t even pay that much…

You won’t pay $297… not even $197…

If you act today on this special one-time offer, The price today is just $67 $79

With no recurring charges or hidden fees.

Simply click the button below and fill out the order form to get started and you’ll be taken right to a secure page where you’ll get access to all the materials…

You’ll also get an email with a link to the program and details on how to contact us should you need to for any reason.

But only if you act now. Rob and I have already agreed that $197 is the price going forward…

So if you want to think about it or plan to come back later, don’t.

Because the longer you wait to “fix” things, the more likely it is that the woman you want slips away for good, and why risk that?

When you’re so close to making her yours?

We're so confident that it will work for you, that we're going to take all the risk off your shoulders and let you see everything risk-free.

Try it 100% RISK FREE

You get 60 full days to decide if you want to pay for it…

So if you don’t get a girlfriend or don’t think this is the best advice you’ve received, or even if you just don’t like the pink shorts i’m wearing in the videos…

Then just send an email and ask for a refund, no questions asked, you don’t even have to give us a reason.

After watching it just once…

You'll be an expert on using “the Scrambler” to find a wife, a girlfriend, or just some casual fun with a female friend, a coworker, or even the girl who serves you coffee at Starbucks.

It's your call who you use it on.

But that's not it, because we also decided to include some additional bonuses that I think you're going to love.

Plus When You Order Today You'll Also Receive These Bonus PROGRAMS for FREE..

Bonus #1: Invisible Escalation

This is a rejection-proof technique that’s perfect for a female friend or ex-girlfriend or any girl you want to sneak in under the radar…

Because it show you how to have her so turned on she makes a move on you.

When you use this simple technique, you’ll be unhooking her bra and running you hand up her back as she trembles in anticipation…

Snd the best part is she thinks it was HER IDEA to seduce you.

Bonus #2: Decode Her Secret Signals

You’re going to get a secret manual to get inside her head and know exactly what she’s thinking.

We’ve spent 12 years analyzing female behavior and what it really means when a girl acts "hot" and "cold" toward you.

You’ll discover the hidden messages in her texts that you might be missing, the subtle difference between a girl who’s playing hard to get or just isn’t into you..

All her confusing behavior will finally make sense…

So you can predict her next move, and confidently go for the kiss or invite her back to your place without worrying you might get rejected.

Bonus #3: 66 Sexual Trigger Words

We found that certain innocent words automatically turn a woman on and get her thinking about sex.

So we compiled a collection of 66 words you can use to slip inside her subconscious mind…

And trigger sexual feelings every time she thinks of you...

Here’s how it works:

Just drop a few of these words the next time you’re with her, and her arousal is automatic.

Bonus #4: The ETHICAL Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence

If she's already dating someone and you know she likes you, but she's too scared to take the next step…

This sequence gives her the permission she needs to finally rush into your arms.

And it does it without ever once badmouthing her boyfriend or putting pressure on her to leave him.

You’ll be shocked when she suddenly tells you how she broke up with her boyfriend and she’s waiting for you to finally ask her out.

Bonus #5: 12 Topics to Talk About to Make Her Fall in Love

And you’re also going to get 12 Topics to Talk About to Make Her Fall in Love.

This way when you’re out on a date or chatting with a girl in the office or at a party, you’ll know exactly what to say to make the earth move when she’s around you.

Never again worry about running out of things to talk about or appearing uninteresting on a date.

Because with these topics in hand, you’ll always guide the conversation towards something that sparks a hidden desire in her.

You’ll find this, the “Unlock the Scrambler System”, and a few surprise bonuses in the members’ area.

Go through it just once, and see how quickly things click into place.

And remember if you’re not absolutely ecstatic with this program for any reason at all…

Just send me an email and I’ll quickly and happily refund 100% of your money, with no hard feelings.

And even then, I still ask that you keep the entire program so it will be there for you when you need it most.

Because more than anything, it’s important to me that you get the results you’re looking for.

And by keeping this program as your personal resource, you’re gonna feel good knowing you have everything you need to change your life forever.

Right Now You've Come to a Very Real Crosswords of a Once in a Lifetime Choice You Must Make Between Two Very Different Realities…

Choice #1

Is keep doing what you’re doing now, and more than likely, the girls you really like will keep slipping away. Sadly, by next week, she could be gone into the arms of some other guy, sleeping with him, giving herself over to him.

You’ll continue to put time and effort into meeting a girl and getting to know her, only to watch her slip through your fingers before you can turn it into anything meaningful.

If you keep making the same mistakes, her attraction towards you is going to continue to plummet.

If you’ve watched this far in the video, it means you don't want this reality and I don't want it for you.

Right now, there are girls in your life who are still undecided about you. Every wrong move you make and more and more of the attraction she felt towards you is disappearing.

Before you know it, any chance you had with her will be long gone. If you do this wrong and bore her, creep her out, or seem needy or unattractive...

You’ll waste time and money, and you’ll have to come back here anyway, and when you do, this deal won’t be available anymore.

Choice #2:

Or choose an entirely new reality

A new reality that has been chosen by other men that have been through this same once in a lifetime crossroads before you.

A reality where the girl you really want is chasing you tonight.

A reality in which you get her to your place, you get her clothes off, and finally experiencing the ultimate satisfaction of making her your girlfriend, lover, or wife.

A reality where you finally feel like you have choice and options, and power and control over your dating life... where you're finally free.

Free of the mental anguish, free of the frustration, and free of the one-way romances where you seem to be the only one invested in the relationship...

Free of what was holding you back from women and relationship you truly deserve...

And let's face it, this is the reality you've been waiting for your whole life.

Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers…

You may never forgive yourself if you let today's once in a lifetime opportunity slip between your fingertips.

It's time to do the smart thing, the right thing for you, while you still can.

Click the link below and take advantage of today's 100% risk free opportunity to claim the dating and sex life you truly deserve.

Join the guys below its already worked for

Hey Bobby, I just spent last weekend with her after a 4 month break from talking. Had to go to the store and buy more condoms ( I brought 15 or so with me)

~ Alex

After learning the scrambler, I courageously messaged my high-school crush. She was valedictorian of the class of 2014. I was bottom of the barrel troublemaker Emma, is now my hyper intelligent and overthinking, sweet, and supportive girlfriend. Who checks all the boxes for "Ideal girlfriend." Thank you!

~ Brad

I found out about the scrambler from Youtube. I bought the program, i immediately applied the black out, she texted me Sunday evening, I introduced a pattern disrupt with a straight to the point attitude, i told her "6.30pm. bring 2 bottles of wine", I also dressed as if we were going to a 5 star restaurant, white dress shirt, modern brown shoes and brown belt, she came over, movie, made out, bed, made out, sex. YOU ARE THE MAN!

I can't thank you enough for helping me solve my glaring dating woes. Allowing me to have the confidence to message and later. Start a relationship with my high-school crush.

~ Ian

Had to shoot you a quick message. I got the girl. Thank you.

~ J

This is some pivotal life changing sh**. Last night I approached 2 women at the bar I was at (this is not normally my thing- I usually do best online) They were the two most attractive women there (given. I’d have never done this before and would have reasoned they didn’t want to be bothered. Both immediately gave me their numbers and laughed with me. One literally grabbed my groin and asked where we were going next. We left shortly after.

~ Akosh

I purchased your course and I am already putting it into motion. I have begun the Blackout Phase. I blacked out 14 days on my calendar and also set up an Excel spreadsheet for each day. Well she has already texted me twice and I am not going to even entertain the thought of replying. I am retired military of 38 years and so do you really think I can hang in there and not fold? HaHa! Now to be honest my body has been in the Quicksand you talk about. But after getting her first text I notice I am feeling much more in control again! Like I have the upper hand now. Thanks so far and this is going to be interesting.

~ Ethan

Hey Bobby! I just wanted to say thank you. At the beginning I was doing all this to get my ex girlfriend back. When I saw your program I thought it would be like the 3000 other dating courses... but I was desperate. In an emotional quicksand. So I bought the scrambler just 2 Month ago and it is already one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! I’m slowly getting over my ex, I got tonnes of girls in the last few weeks and I focused on my education and my social life and improved in all areas around dating. You’re lessons are about so much more then just getting laid, or get that one girl. It just took me some weeks to notice.

~ Dane

I am not sure if you actually get these emails but here goes. I am 54, divorced and recently single after having a girlfriend right out of the divorce gate. I met someone and behaved perfectly to fit an emotional quicksand idiot. I bought your course a week ago at the suggestion of a friend and started changing my behavior and response to this girl and she is now calling me, texting me saying she has been thinking about me. Stuff works. I met another girl and started right with her and this week she asked to bring me lunch and is again the aggressor. I am almost perfect in that I make every mistake in every step of the course. In almost all situations, I was the guy doing it wrong. So this was really helpful for me to learn and wanted to say thank you. Best.

~ Lincoln

After ordering the scrambler program I was thinking that it was too broad into general and was getting ready to ask for a refund until... I spent about three or four hours with an actress / model. And f**ked her. Twice. In fact, she told me how she had been restraining herself from having any sex whatsoever and had made an agreement with herself to not have any sex with anyone. She actually said "f*ck you" with a smile, repeatedly, because she was somehow frustrated and happy and electrified at the same time that someone had properly giving her the right reasons to f*ck her. As if she had happily lost a bet with herself! She literally said things like can you just put the tip in, etc.… Like a guy who was trying to get a girl to go all the way... This was about two nights ago. I had only had sex with one girl one time in the last two years and thought I had "lost my touch. So thank you!

~ Tim

You are a magician! She's never texted me this much before.

~ Hunter

It just works. The girl is mine! Thank you very much. Much respect from Brazil.

~ Paulo

Bobby - I just wanted to write you a note to say thank you again for your help and advice. Coming out of my divorce I had to find myself again, regain my confidence and get my game back. Your coaching did that for me and the ride has been nothing less than fantastic. Not only has my game with women improved, but my confidence has sky rocketed. Women are loving me and I have beautiful women chasing me now! The best part is, I am currently dating the most beautiful woman that I have ever dated. I will be thrilled it if works out long term. But I'm not scared if it doesn't. I'm gonna be me and I know there is an abundance of women out there. You are a Guru and I owe it all to you.

~ Mark


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